House of David Hotel Original Neon Porcelain Sign Benton Harbor Michigan
The House of David was a commune/community of Israelites which was formed around 1903 in Benton Harbor, Michigan. The House of David baseball team was known nationwide as a barnstorming team, like the Harlem Globetrotters. The team was quite future-thinking, having a female pitcher and playing ball with the Negro League. Babe Ruth and Satchel Paige both played against the team. This original porcelain House of David Sign was found with just the “skin”. There was no body (can) and no neon. The sign has a new can and neon now! It is quite large, measuring about 22 feet tall. It was made to separate into several sections to accommodate both moving and setting up. It is currently located in Danville, Illinois, at our warehouse. We will work with a buyer on transportation and delivery of the sign.